Financial Support

Our donors choose to support Sunrise financially for a variety of reasons; each is personal and important. Many have been personally blessed by a Sunrise team member.

A Reason to Give

Some want to remember the life of a loved one with a meaningful gift. Others have seen how Sunrise ensures dignity for each resident. Many appreciate the innovation shown by Sunrise in its senior care programs and services. Still others seek to honor the significant impact Sunrise has on the Siouxland community.

Dear Friends of Sunrise Retirement Community:

Why give to Sunrise?

You have plenty of opportunities today to give. Because each dollar you give is meaningful, we want you to be certain that partnering with Sunrise is a decision you can feel good about.

I want to thank you for making Sunrise an important part of your life. We value every relationship in this great community. Each day, we begin anew to earn your trust and support. And we end each day in grateful celebration for all the lives your generosity has touched.

-Samantha Roth, CEO

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Benevolent Fund (Charity Care)

Through the generosity of our families and friends and the Siouxland community, each day we meet the needs of our community’s most vulnerable citizens despite the gap between reimbursements from Medicare and private insurance and our expenses. In 2024 alone, Sunrise shared more than $800,000 in charity care and unreimbursed Medicaid and Medicare services. We have never asked a resident to leave because of their inability to pay for care.

In-Kind Support

If you wish to donate goods or services to Sunrise, in-kind donations are greatly appreciated.

Special Events

The Jill Miller Holiday Concert has been a signature event for Sunrise since 2006, raising $600,000 with the proceeds benefiting many areas of need. You can support this event through sponsorships and your attendance at the event!

In 2011, the Siouxland Senior Open, the premier golf tournament for men 50+ selected Sunrise as a recipient of funds. Our sponsors and golfers help us raise funds that support our greatest areas of need.

Annual Fund

The Sunrise annual fund drive seeks yearly support for specific projects, along with charity care and services that benefit our community. Previous annual campaigns have enhanced our life-enrichment programs and also supported the purchase of a 12-passenger bus.

Getting Started

Cash or check donations accepted. If mailing a donation, please make checks payable to Sunrise Retirement and mail to:

Sunrise Retirement
Attn: Director of Fund Development
5501 Gordon Drive East
Sioux City, IA 51106

Types of Giving


The simplest way to give is by check or currency. It gives you an income tax deduction for the full amount of the gift (assuming no goods or services are received for the gift) in the year that you make the donation up to a total of 50% of your adjusted gross income. Excess deductions can be carried forward for the next five years.

Stocks and Bonds

If you contribute securities that have appreciated in value and that you have held for more than a year, you get a two-fold income tax benefit – you can deduct the full market value and you owe no tax on the appreciation in the value of the security. The limit on deductibility in any tax year is 30% of your adjusted gross income, excess deductions can be carried forward five years.

IRA Charitable Rollover

As of December 18, 2015, the IRA Charitable Rollover was passed by Congress and signed into permanent law by the President, allowing taxpayers age 70 ½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA accounts directly to charity without first having to recognize the distribution as income.

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