Our Team & Board Members

Board of Directors

Sunrise Community

Foundation Board

of Directors

The Sunrise Team

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Samantha Roth


Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7024

Chris Schenkelberg Health Center Administrator

Chris Schenkelberg

Health Center Administrator

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7025

Kristi Loofe- Director of Finance

Kristi Loofe

Director of Finance

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7016

Mindee Knudson, QI Nurse & Evening Supervisor

Mindee Knudson, BSN

Director of Nursing

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7015

Courtney Hudelson HR Director

Courtney Hudelson

Director of Human Resources

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7013

Anna Heller Director of Fund Development & Volunteers

Anna Heller

Director of Fund Development & Marketing

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7010

Mikki DeRocher

Mikki DeRocher

Director of Independent Living

Phone: 712-276-3821 ext. 7005

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Tina Pike

Outreach Coordinator

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7021

Headshot- Jennifer Cooper

Jennifer Cooper

Independent Living Coordinator

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7004

Melissa Merrill Environmental Services Supervisor

Melissa Merrill

Environmental Services Supervisor and Compliance Officer

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7018

Wendy Barbee Dietary Supervisor

Wendy Barbee

Dietary Supervisor

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7001

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Lisa Roepke

Wellness Coordinator

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7059

Erin Anderson Activities Director

Erin Riemer

Activities Coordinator

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7000

Scott Squires Chaplain

Chaplain Scott Squires

Chaplaincy Services

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7026


Dezerea Burrell, RN

Fountain View Assisted Living Nurse Coordinator

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7020

Chris Moreno Applewood Nurse Manager

Chris Moreno, BSN, RN

Applewood Neighborhood Nurse Manager

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7019


Marsha Certain, RN

Evergreen Neighborhood Nurse Manager

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7003

Mary Headshot

Mary Ronnfeldt, RN

Sunlight/Bernstein Neighborhoods Nurse Manager

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7023

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Ashley Finely, LPN

QI & Infection Control Nurse

Phone: (712) 276-3821 ext. 7008

Board of Directors

Kyle Irvin

Kyle Irvin, J.D.


Dr. Patrick Cross

Dr. Patrick Cross, D.P.T.

Vice President

Lynn Wold

Lynn Wold


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Anne Westra


William Bradbury, Vice President

Bill Bradbury

Past President

Ryan Ross Portrait Selection

Ryan Ross, J.D.

Legal Advisor


Brett Bieber, Pharm D, BCPS

Callaghan Amy 4x5 (002)

Amy Callaghan, DO

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Matt Campbell


Cari Gehling

Cari Kellen

Cari Kellen

Shelly Krohn

Shelly Krohn

Dr. Mary Kovarna

Dr. Mary Kovarna, Ed.D


Daniel McCarty

Dave Larson

Dave Larson

Jennifer Rose Bass

Jennifer Rose Bass

Foundation Board

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Samantha Roth

Sunrise CEO

Kyle Irvin

Kyle Irvin, J.D.

Jack Bernstein

Jack Bernstein

Ron Yockey

Ron Yockey

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Gail Bivens-Rose

Larry Delperdang

Larry Delperdang


Jay Layman

David Layhee Foundation Board

David Layhee

Beverly Zenor

Beverly Zenor

Anna Heller Director of Fund Development & Volunteers

Anna Heller

Sunrise Director of Fund Development

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