Dear Sunrise residents, families and staff members,
This is an update regarding COVID-19 infections for the nursing and assisted living at Sunrise Retirement Community.
Sunrise currently does not have ANY residents who are quarantined for COVID-19. Sunrise has one staff member that is currently on isolation for a positive COVID-19 test and one that completed the isolation period yesterday.
Sunrise will continue to perform “outbreak testing” until at least August 25th (14 days from the last positive test). This includes testing all staff and residents every 3-7 days. Staff and residents are also tested if they are showing signs/symptoms of illness.
Woodbury County positivity rate for COVID-19 has gone up dramatically over the past couple of weeks and is over 7% this week. This is considered “moderate” spread and as such Sunrise is encouraging all visitors to wear masks throughout their visit, regardless of vaccination status. It is expected and required that all guests will wear masks upon entering the building and while moving through the common areas of the building. We are also requiring unvaccinated guests to wear face shields when in the building. These additional measures will be relaxed when the positivity rate drops below the 5% level (low community spread). Sunrise Retirement Community continues to require mask wearing for staff members and contractors while working.
Other mitigation efforts in both nursing & assisted living include staff screening for exposure, symptoms and temperature; wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE); increased cleaning & disinfecting of surfaces throughout the building.
Hallie Salmen, CEO