Save the date: #GivingTuesday 2017 is Tuesday, November 28th. Sunrise is proud to be a part of the global celebration of giving.
When Sunrise first opened its doors in 1959, who could have imagined the story? It’s been an incredible legacy, and we are blessed that YOU are part of it.
Whether you are a resident or relative, a board member or business partner, a caregiver or community friend, a vendor or volunteer, you are important to us because you make us who we are. We’re a family…the Sunrise family.
And because we’re family, we look out for each other. That’s what benevolent care is all about. Sometimes known as “charity care,” benevolent care ensures Sunrise residents that even if they no longer have the resources to stay, we’ll never force them to leave. Why? Because they’re part of our family.
Benevolent care, however, comes at a cost. Last year alone, Sunrise provided 6,551 days of care to residents who could no longer cover their expenses. In total, we devoted $762,470 to charity care and unreimbursed Medicaid and Medicare services in 2016.
Over the years we have dedicated millions of dollars to this cause. But the truth is, our ability to provide the highest quality care and services to all residents—especially those needing financial assistance—is a tremendous challenge.
That’s where you come in. Sunrise residents who have shared so much with our family are now relying on YOU to give them the help they need.
Your gift supports the Sunrise community at work.
Please join our benevolent care mission, here are some numbers to consider:
$55 covers the cost of one resident’s benevolent care for a day
$385 covers the cost of one resident’s benevolent care for a week
$1,705 covers the cost of one resident’s benevolent care for a month
$20,075 covers the cost of one resident’s benevolent care for a year
We’re asking for your help to give our family the care they desire and deserve. Can we count on you to make a difference?
Consider a donation today