Risk: Female mosquitos target some people over others. It may be due to carbon dioxide emissions from the body, body odor, body heat, and movement.
Prevention: The EPA recommends the use of screens or netting when outside.
- cover skin when outdoors.
- Avoid wooded & grassy areas.
- Avoid bright clothing, perfumes & scented body products.
- Use repellants with deet, picardin or oil of lemon eucalyptus in them.
Remember, mosquitos need water to breed. Avoid standing water.
The most common conditions from mosquito bites are: West Nile Virus which may cause flu like symptoms or may show no symptoms at all & Zika Virus which develops into fever, joint pain, rash & muscle soreness. Mosquitos also carry other serious medical conditions such as Malaria.
Always seek medical attention if you suspect a reaction to an insect bite as it could possibly become serious.