First write down your thoughts on what you would like the rest of your life to look like. Start with where you would like to live if you continue to be able-bodies. Then ask yourself what kind of assistance you would be willing to accept from whom, if you could not manage independently in that setting. Would you want to move somewhere else if you required help? If so, where would you want to be willing to move.
Next, consider your health and who is helping you manage it. Do you trust these providers? If not, make it a top priority to find new ones.
Once you have covered housing, home care and health care, write a will and designate a healthcare proxy and financial power of attorney. Make sure that whomever you choose not only understands your wishes, but will respect them to the best of their abilities.
Finally, make your children aware of your decisions and be sure to update all involved should your wishes change. It is much easier to do this before something happens and you are unable to speak for yourself.